
 ハワイ州日本国総領事、ホノルル市長はご本人がスピーチ、愛媛から出席にならなかった愛媛県知事、宇和島市長、遺族代表水口さん、そしてハワイ州知事の挨拶はそれぞれKen Saikiさん、Steve Sombreroさんらが代読しました。
On the 9th, I participated in the 22nd anniversary memorial service of the Ehime Maru in Hawaii. (local time) The winds were so strong this year that the telephone lines were paralysed.
 On the 7th, I was supposed to leave at night after dropping off the collection at the prefectural office and arrive in Honolulu in the morning of the same day, but for some reason, I had to make a last-minute change and arrived at the same time on the 9th, so I went straight from the airport to Kakaako Park. Fortunately, I arrived two and a half hours before, so I ended up being the first to arrive.
 I was able to offer a collection of haiku and tanka poems to the memorial in real life at the time of the flower offering.
 What surprised me was that the wreaths were twice as small due to inflation.
 On the other hand, the good thing was that for the past two years, the ceremony was held only for those concerned, with no public participation, but this year it was as usual, and everyone was happy to see each other again in a friendly atmosphere with constant smiles. I was sorry to realize that there were still some people I could not greet myself.
 The Consul General of Japan in Hawaii and the Mayor of Honolulu gave speeches, while the speeches of the Governor of Ehime Prefecture, the Mayor of Uwajima, Mr. Mizuguchi, the representative of the bereaved families, and the Governor of Hawaii were read by Ken Saiki and Steve Sombrero, respectively, who were not present from Ehime.
 Two organizations from Uwajima participated for the first time this year: the Uwajima Municipal Hospital, which has started exchanges with a hospital in Hawaii, and the Uwajima Lions Club, which expanded its circle.
#Ehimemaru #Ehimemaru22ndMemorial #えひめ丸22周年慰霊祭

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